"Take A Seat" in the Millbrook High School Auditorium
Leave a lasting legacy with a seat plaque

*Millbrook High School Drama Boosters will attempt to honor all seat location requests on a first-come, first-served basis. For any performance in the auditorium, seat sponsors must purchase tickets as applicable; event seating is not guaranteed in chairs bearing specific names.
*We have the right to reject any seat name where the proposed text for the engraved plaque contains unacceptable language and/or does not abide by WCPSS standards. In such circumstances, the donation payment will be returned to the patron if an alternate text engraving cannot be negotiated between the parties.
*Your plaque(s) will remain in place on the armrest(s) of an auditorium seat for at least 5 years, or until the school renovates the auditorium. At that time, your seat plaque(s) will be showcased on a larger 'thank you' memorial plaque. You will leave a legacy by supporting Millbrook HS Performing Arts!
*Millbrook Drama Boosters is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our Tax ID number is 27-2991760,
Please note: If you use this site to pay by credit card you will be charged a small convenience fee of 3.5% plus 75 cents per transaction. You are always welcome to pay by cash or check to avoid this fee. Email heatherkindl@gmail.com for more information.